1. Contact details
Let's start with your details:
2. Artwork Information
You can enter up to 3 artworks to the Linden Postcard Show.
Please double check the information you enter here as it will be used for your exhibition labels.
Size Requirements:
> 2D artworks must not exceed 600 (h) x 600 (w) x 100(d) mm, including the frame;
> 3D artworks must be no larger than 600 (h), 400 (w), and 400 (d) mm, including the base. They must be freestanding and weigh no
more than 10kg;
> A/V artworks must come supplied with all required equipment and will only be exhibited after discussion with Linden staff. They must
also be tagged and tested, or they will not be exhibited.
1️⃣ WORK #1
2️⃣ WORK #2
3️⃣ WORK #3
3. IMAGEs Of your works
> Please upload ONE image of EACH your work
> Please title the image file name in: firstname_lastname_title of the work.jpg
> Image must be in jpg format and be at least 300dpi. File sizes must be under 10MB