Elnaz Nourizadeh

Seven birds encircle the new Earth, poised for landing to plant new seeds. The new day to heal and harmony. To reiterate a shared destiny on our planet, I sculpt intertwined human figures and nature on a sphere representing the Earth. It reflects a vision of universal Newruz, fostering healing and rebirth when human actions align with the natural rhythms of trees and oceans.

Seven birds from seven heavens have a symbol I made referencing the Persian New Year's Haft-Seen. The Haft-Seen table signifies health and renewal, with each character representing growth,  health, beauty, wealth, eternity, the onset of spring, and life.


Elnaz Nourizadeh is an Iranian-Australian sculptor, ceramist and installation artist. Born in Tehran, Elnaz started ceramic and sculpting as an early teen when she became interested in abstraction and the colour field movement. While taking private art courses, she got her Bachelor's in Industrial Design, which fused a touch of geometric forms into her ceramics. Elnaz immigrated to Melbourne, Australia, in 2013, where she became interested in human connections and relationships from fundamental levels to our surroundings and private and social life. Elnaz explores the idea of interconnectedness in her sculptures and the effect of a meditative state on our decision-making and behaviours. Elnaz started her installation art in 2018 as part of her Master of Fine Arts at RMIT.

+ Visit Nourizadeh's Website

IMAGE > Elnaz Nourizadeh in her studio. Image courtesy of the artist.