Artist Speakeasy > What's Going on with Curation?

Artist Speakeasy > What's Going on with Curation?
IMAGES &gt;&nbsp;Francis E. Parker, Liam O'Brien and&nbsp;Simone Tops installing&nbsp;<em>Samson Young: Real Music</em>, Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne, 2020. Photograph: Melissa Bedford &gt; Image of Seb Talking, Ace Open, Nice to meet you, Sebastian Henry-Jones,
2022. Photo: Lana Adams

Working in the arts industry can be a tricky field to navigate. How do curators approach working on an exhibition? What are curators looking for when they select an artist? What are some of the difficulties they face?

Join Sebastian Henry-Jones, curator of West Space, and Francis E. Parker, Exhibitions Curator of MUMA, to hear their strategies and tricks towards curating. Facilitated by Linden New Art Director Melinda Martin, this event will provide a unique opportunity to gain insights from industry professionals about some of the key issues present in the curating world.

> Wednesday 1 June 2022
> 6PM to 7PM
ACCESS > Linden New Art
> FREE, suitable for curators/artists/arts managers and emerging arts industry professionals

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About the Speakers

Francis E. Parker

Francis E. Parker is the Curator – Exhibitions at the Monash University Museum of Art | MUMA, Melbourne. Prior to commencing at MUMA in 2011, Francis worked for the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, first as a curatorial assistant and then as Curator, Contemporary Australian Art, contributing to exhibitions including: Contemporary Australia: Optimism, 2008; 6th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 2009; and Scott Redford: Introducing Reinhardt Dammn, 2010. Francis has taken a coordinating role in many of MUMA’s exhibitions with highlights including: Reinventing the Wheel: The Readymade Century, 2013; Francis Upritchard: Jealous Saboteurs, 2016; Christian Thompson: Ritual Intimacy, 2017; Robert Smithson: Time Crystals, 2018; and Samson Young: Real Music, 2020. Between 2015 and 2020, he coordinated Sound Spaces, a series of experimental music performances in collaboration with organisations including the Australian Art Orchestra, Ensemble Offspring, Liquid Architecture and Room40. Most recently he worked with Melissa Ratliff to produce the online writing project Queer Readings of the Monash University Collection, 2021.

IMAGE > Portrait of Francis E. Parker. 

Sebastian Henry-Jones

Sebastian Henry-Jones is an emerging curator led by an interest in writing, DIY thinking. He looks to embody these ideals in a practice that centres the needs, ideas and requirements of those that he works with, and so his practice is informed by striving for a personal ethics with sincerity, generosity, honest communication and learning at its core.

Seb has staged group exhibitions and independent projects in Sydney and interstate. He is a co-founder of DIY exhibition formats Desire Lines and Emerson, a former editor at Runway Journal, and holds curatorial roles at The 22nd Biennale of Sydney and West Space.

IMAGE > Portrait of Sebastian Henry-Jones.