Linden Projects Space Application form

Applications are now open for exhibitions from February 2025 to January 2026
Applications Close > Sunday 4 August 11:59pm

Should you require alternative methods of application, we are here to assist. We welcome any requests for accommodations or modifications to the application process. Please contact Hamish at if you need any assistance with your application.

1. Contacts details

First and Last Names
Preferred pronoun
E-mail Address
Phone Number
ABN Number

Please include your website or any social media platforms you use to promote your work:

Other Social Networks

2. Where do you live and work?

3. I am applying for a

4. Is this application subject to funding?

5. Exhibition Title

6. Exhibition ProposalOutline the ideas and themes you work will explore in the proposed exhibition (300 words)

7. Exhibition ContentDescribe how many works, their size, medium and how you envision displaying them (150 words)

8. Provide a biographical overview of your artistic or curatorial practice(200 words)

9. If you are applying for a group exhibition please list the name of all the artists involved

10. Please submit up to 6 images of artworks to support your application. (max 10Mb per image)
We understand that you may not have completed the work you are proposing to exhibit. In this instance, please include a selection of images that best represent your practice. You may also wish to include diagrams of proposed works and/or works in progress.

Artwork 1      Title    Artist Name    Year    Size      

Artwork 2      Title    Artist Name    Year    Size      

Artwork 3      Title    Artist Name    Year    Size      

Artwork 4      Title    Artist Name    Year    Size      

Artwork 5      Title    Artist Name    Year    Size      

Artwork 6      Title    Artist Name    Year    Size     

11. Do you have a preference for when in the calendar year your project will be exhibited?
If yes, please indicate which month:

12. Do you intend to apply for your exhibition to be part of any festivals or key events and if so, what are the dates?

13. Would you like to include a public program or event during your exhibition? For example, an artist talk, a performance etc.

14. Why would you like to exhibit in the Linden Projects Space? (100 words)