Designers on your doorstep

Katrina Ramm

For me, home has always been a very personal space that imbues a sense of refuge and comfort. As well as being a space for ourselves though, our homes can also function as a social space – a space for meeting, watching movies, playing games, eating, drinking, and dancing with the ones we love. It’s a place that can transform through the people we invite in to share it with. During this new age of lockdowns and restrictions however, home can also sometimes be a lonely place where friendly faces are only seen through screens. Buddy was born from this feeling of wanting to bring a little more joy into the home during a time when the social aspect of home was being sorely missed. Buddy is a quiet, yet happy friend who will always be there with a grin to help brighten up any space.

IMAGE > Katrina Ramm, <em>Buddy</em>, 2021, Australian chestnut, 64 x 120 x 40 cm. Image courtesy of the artist.
Not for sale

My designs are often based around the theme of home as a place of solace, as I really love how our homes are individual reflections of us, that we’ve created to be our comfortable places of retreat. Lockdown has really cemented this mindset for me and made me want to bring more pieces into the home that have a sense of joy to them, hence the happy Buddy sideboard. We’re living in a very serious time with a lot of heavy stuff going on that can weigh our spirits down, so I want to make work that doesn’t take itself too seriously, and instead brings a sense of optimism, humour, and happiness into our homes.

Since finishing Uni just before COVID hit, I sadly haven’t had my own space to make any large works. Luckily I’ve been able to work with some really great local makers around Victoria, to bring my designs to life. Other than the limitations in physically making work, my design process hasn’t changed too much since lockdown started. I’ve always been a home body, so I feel comfortable designing, and sketching ideas from home, however I do miss meeting up with others to bounce ideas and share concepts and inspiration!

Buddy was born from this feeling of wanting to bring a little more joy into the home during a time when the social aspect of home was being sorely missed.

I’m currently living in Northcote where there are a lot of really great murals in the neighbourhood, but I especially love the Minna Leunig mural in my local park. I’m also a big fan of Fido, the giant dog at nearby Fairfield Station.

Usually I would say my favourite room in the house is our living room, as it’s the space with the most personality and is where I would usually spend time with friends having drinks and dinner parties. Through lockdown though, I’d have to say the bedroom has become the favourite, as it’s a nice calming and cosy space full of peaceful neutral tones and soft textures. Watching movies and TV shows in bed has been a large part of the last 18 months!

My Spenceroni print from the Rooftops Over Tokyo exhibition in 2017 is really special to me, as it was the first shared artwork my partner and I bought together when we moved in to our first home.

My favourite go-to comfort recipe would have to be my tofu and vegetable stir fry with peanut sauce. I never measure anything when I cook, so I don’t have exact measurements, but I make the sauce with a generous amount of peanut butter, garlic and ginger, with a bit of fresh lemon, soy sauce, chili and coriander seeds. I taste it as I go to get the quantities right, so just add more of the flavours you like best! If like me, you’re not a big fan of soft tofu, make sure to use the firm stuff and fry it in soy sauce and garlic until it’s crisp! It’s a simple dish, but super delicious!

IMAGES [Top to bottom] > All images courtesy of the artist. Recipe image source: unsplash.

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Designers on your doorstep

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